Monday, September 27, 2010

Horizon Report

Please read parts of the latest Horizon Report found at

Read only the Executive Summary, Key Trends, Critical Challenges, and Technologies to Watch (listed on the left column of the web page.

In your comments include your response to the following questions.

Address "Key Trends," which one is the most important (say for instance, that your principal asked you to give only one)?

Address "Critical Challenges," which one is going to be the most difficult to address?

Address  "Technologies to Watch," select one of the technologies and explain how you might use this type of technology in your future teaching.

Due October 4, 2010


  1. I believe that the term "adoption horizons" is an interesting one. The term indicates broad and distant time periods. A little vague.
    An important Key Trend would be the one embracing innovation and creativity. The saying, "there is nothing new under the sun" is absolutely not acceptable for students today. Learning from the past is mandatory; dwelling in the past is not.
    The most difficult of the “Critical Challenges” is not given. In light of recent suicides, technological/computer ethics should be more than a theoretical topic to be discussed sometime on another plane. Cyber-bullying, terrorism and viralism are no less terrifying to children than "real-time" bullying, gangs and vandalism/slander are. This topic must be put on the closest horizon.
    With consideration of the choices given in “Critical Challenges,” the most difficult to tackle may be the instruction teachers receive in teacher education classes and professional development programs. This may not apply to teachers under 30 as much as to those over, since most teachers in their 20s were raised to be more computer literate. The instructors in those classes may face teachers who don’t want to be helped. The schools, districts and universities may not be able to fund the appropriate tools teachers will need to learn with. Older teachers will be starting up a steeper slope than will younger ones and will need more technical support and more practice. They will also often have growing families that they cannot neglect while finding the time to practice the skills while teaching them.
    In the “Technologies to Watch” section, I was excited most by Augmented Reality as a tool that can be used at all grade levels at varying degrees of expansion. I can see this being used at camp to assist in field work in our Earth Science/Geology camps and in the biology camps. The geography camps use GPS and elevation, which could be helped by augmented reality. I can see our Forensic and Chemistry campers blowing things up and investigating dead bodies. We already Skype with NASA personnel regularly.

  2. Key Trends - #2 "Technology continues to profoundly affect the way we work, collaborate, communicate, and succeed. Information technologies impact how people work, play, learn, socialize, and collaborate." This I feel is key because as technology is becoming more apparent in their lives, it shows the importance in teaching them about technology and how to use it. For example, some places won't accept paper employment applications, instead you have to submit an electronic version even if it means you have to sit at a computer at the place to complete the application. I not only have to teach students how to fill out job applications, but how to do so on the computer as well.

    Critical Challenges - #2 "Students are different," and this challenge also goes on to discuss how teachers need to reach all the students in different ways. The most important thing to point out is that STUDENTS ARE DIFFERENT and no matter how hard we may try to differentiate to make the learning accessible to them, sometimes it is impossible to reach all of them. As the literacy / academic gaps continue to grow so will the gaps when it comes to technology. I believe that those who already have a disadvantage in their regular academic learning will be even farther behind when it comes to learning new technologies...For example, trying to teach my limited formally schooled ESL students to do something simple on the computer takes ten times more time and this may be because of their level of English.

    Technology to Watch - I'm not sure which of these I will try to implement in my program. The first two confused me, I don't know what they are. The second two might be more along the lines of what I might be able to do with my students. This is more for the game-based learning, since we already do some activities on the computer that is like games, but they are software programs or online programs to help them practice phonics, spelling and little comprehension.

  3. Key Trends: Innovation and creativity. I think this is most aspect of working with technology is key for students, as they wish to express themselves in mediums that are comfortable for them (for instance, blogging rather than journaling). Technology provides students with infinite possibilities for synthesizing their knowledge, and these skills are going to be valued much more in the workforce than students' ability to achieve on a standardized test, for example.

    Critical Challenges: the need for reform, but uncertainty about how to implement it. I think this is a problem with education across the board, not just regarding technology. The system of public schooling has gone relatively unchanged since its inception. It is difficult to know where to begin in a network so large, and there seems to be a lack of definitive leadership. Who would be responsible for heading up such a project? And further more, how long would it take to apply a broad, sweeping change to every school in America?

    Technologies to Watch: I think that the use of collaborative environments is the most practical for my classroom at this point. I'm assuming this includes tools such as blogging and wikis, which could be easily used in my language arts classroom for digital discussion or project work. Games could also be implemented,though I would have to further explore what educational games are out there that could be advantageous to my students.

  4. Key Trends: The key trend addressing technology as a mean for student empowerment should be taken the most seriously. This statement discusses giving students a voice in their education and social situations. I think this to be particularly important because using technologies do not only empower students but teaches them communication skills. If students can learn to utilize their communication skills they will be all the more powerful in their personal and professional lives.

    Critical Challenges: The critical challenge most difficult to implement is the proposed educational reform. The difficulty lies in that there are many viewpoints. In order for true reform to occur, educators, administrators, parents, voters and politicians of varying degrees need to agree on what is best for student learning. The agreement amongst this vast number of people seems to be nearly impossible. We, as educators, need to continue to advocate for our students to continue with 21st century practices. I do not think that we will ever come to a policy or reform that pleases all. However, as long as we keep our students at the heart of decisions made we are doing the best that we can.

    Technologies to Watch: The concept of collaborative environments is one that I would like to embrace much more than I do already. In my mind this would include distance learning and communication with experts in the field of science. I think this can be applied as in my classroom now through basic functions such as blogs and Twitter. Students can virtually follow along in what a professional is doing through their Twitters and blogs. Of course, my district has recently blocked the usage of Twitter which makes this type of learning a bit more difficult inside the school building. I have also looked into to distance learning as an option for my students. We have discussed and are hoping to put into motion having my students teach younger grades about specific science concepts using distance learning. I think this is an excellent way for my students to show mastery of a concept and for others to learn through collaboration with fellow students.

  5. Key Trend:
    Technology is increasingly a means for empowering students, a method for communication and socializing, and a ubiquitous, transparent part of their lives.

    I feel that technology is so interwoven into our daily lives, that if we don't address that in our teaching of students, then we are failing them! In addition, if we are able to create learning environments that encourage our students to explore how they can use technology, it will become much more engaging and meaningful to them and create lasting learning, rather than 'learning for the test'.

    Critical Challenges:
    Students are different, but educational practice and the materials that support it are changing only slowly.

    I feel this is by far the biggest challenge that is faced by schools. Most schools (or at least all that I have taught for) simply lack the resources to be effective in introducing new technologies. Budgets are stretched thin as it is. I am currently teaching out of a book that was published in 1998, so trying to imagine having the money to purchase a smart board or a computer program that promotes learning just doesn't work. In addition, teachers lack the time it takes to learn the new technologies and be able to lesson plan to incorporate them into their curriculum.

    Technologies to Watch:
    Game-Based Learning

    Half the battle of teaching is motivating kids to want to learn. But many students are motived by games! By being able to get students involved in their learning in a way that engages them and is fun will increase their understanding of the material. They will learn without knowing that they are learning!

  6. Key Trend: The way we think of learning environments is changing.
    The students are learning in more than just the traditional classroom. Learning can be taking place in a virtual community. I think that for the rural communities this will be even more of a true statement. Communities like those in Western Nebraska will become more and more spars, therefore to bus students will become a farther trip. It will become more economical for the school to have virtual classrooms for these students. Most of the work can be done on the internet. The students can listen and watch their teacher through video chatting. The students can also collaborate with each other this way.

    Critical Challenge: Many policy makers and educators believe that deep reform is needed, but at the same time, there is little agreement as to what a new model of education might look like.
    I think that there are so many people out there who give out the money that will have a hard time believing that it is a good idea to help students become more involved in their education. These people believe that things are okay, but do not realize we need people to do a better job than them. To get educators and policy makers together to talk and make decisions that will truly help our students will be tough. Each will have to come t an agreement, and neither one will get their way.

    Technologies to Watch: Mobiles
    Mobiles will be used in the future. The upper level students use their mobile devices constantly. The students can learn not just in the math classroom, but can learn math where the teacher has decided best for the day. The teacher and students do not have to be limited to one classroom, but wherever the day's topic takes them to learn. The students can then learn how to use their mobiles for good learning.

  7. Key Trends: Technology is increasingly a means for empowering students, a method for communication and socializing, and a ubiquitous, transparent part of their lives. I think that this very true in the world today. I have found that students I have in my 8th grade classroom spend numerous hours on mySpace and Facebook, and the few students that are not allowed by their families to have a social network account are almost made fun of in school. Also, I have seen the trend that technology is a transparent part of my students lives. I teach in a school that has about 70% free and reduced lunch families., but I find that most of my students have internet access.

    Critical Challenges: Many policy makers and educators believe that deep reform is needed, but at the same time, there is little agreement as to what a new model of education might look like. Yes! This is so true in my school district. I find that many different people have great ideas, but there is not agreement as to how to make reforms in my district. I also find it interesting that when there are grants offered, the agencies or individuals who control the grant money also have their ideas of how they want to reform and they can “earmark” the money so it has to be used to support their ideas. I think this one is the most critical to address because each stakeholder that participates in the decision-making process has their own ideas and feels strongly about their ideas for reform.

    Technologies to Watch: game-based learning
    Game-based learning is definitely something my students are interested in. I find that games in the classroom increase student engagement and keep student interest at a high. I also find that the games are hard to find, or they are too expensive for me to buy enough copies of software to effectively use the games in my classroom. I hope that as the technology evolves, the prices will go down, and I will be able to use more game-based learning tools in my classroom.

  8. The key trend that is most important from my perspective is innovation and creativity. This is so important for advancements in all arenas of life because without this skill there is no way to find new ways to solve problems, come up with new ideas and solutions. we need to design learning experiences that reflect the importance of creativity and innovation in the professional arenas. Creativity and innovation after all is what has for years helped communities and countries prosper. Therefore we should continue to follow this in technology and education in order to promote continued growth in education that will thus bring further growth to all aspects of the future. New creative and innovative ideas are what drive the world to prosper.
    The challenge that I feel will be hardest to address is educational practice and the materials that support it. It is clear that students are different but the materials being used to teach students are still the same or at best only changing slowly. We need to do a better job of identifying with how students become engaged. We are dealing with students who grew up on technology and this is a part of their everyday life. We need to be better at bringing the technology they use outside of school into the school as learning tools. Making education more learner-centered in order to focus on development of their individual potential. However teaching practice and the tools need to change. All of which involves money and time which really leads to this being a challenge.
    Collaborative environments is one of the technologies that I would use in my future teaching of art. I would use this to allow students to broaden their horizons and understanding of art works by giving them opportunities to discuss, critique, and brainstorm ideas with their peers and mentors. This would be a great way to facilitate a group critique as well as discuss viewpoints of famous art works. An outstanding way to help kids to learn and express the language of art through a technology that they are very familiar with and engaged by.

  9. The key trend that I think is the most important is the increased value of innovation and creativity. We need to develop and implement ways for kids to express what they have learned and expand on that learning in creative ways. Having them create with the information they have learned shows that they have a grasp of the concepts taught and also enables them to take that learning and do something of their own with it. This will give them more ownership in their learning, leading to more achievement and engagement in learning activities.

    The challenge that I feel would be most difficult to address would be that of the slowly changing educational practice and materials. I believe that many of the teachers that I work with would love to teach in a more student centered way, however with the high stakes testing of students and the threat of linking those results to teacher pay, they feel unable to try new methods and tools. Everything is so scripted, planned and forced upon teachers that they themselves cannot be creative or innovative, so how can they allow their students to be?

    The technology that I will most use in my future teaching would be collaborative environments. As it is, I am working with other teachers around the world to partner with my students for projects via I am using to collaborate locally with other primary classrooms in creating online stories. I can see the use of sites like for small group discussions, project planning, book discussions, literature circles, or even professional learning communities.

  10. Key Trend: I feel that the most important key trend from this report is the creativity and innovation. Students need to be allowed to create and use their imaginations in order for them to feel like they are learning something and feel a sense of pride and ownership in the process.

    Critical Challanges: I think that the most difficult item to address would be the fact that educational practices and materials to support them are changing slowly in today's society. Teachers are creatures of habit and tend to continue using what has worked in the past. They are expected to continuously raise test scores and conduct assessments, but the training is not being provided or the money is not there.

    Technology to Watch: As a Preschool teacher, I use game-based learning quite often, but have not used much technology in this process. I think ghat in the future I will use more computer games, like the non-linear PowerPoint concept to make learning more interactive and fun for my students.

  11. Key Trend: The way we think of learning environments is changing.

    Students today have grown up with technology, and they don't consider it an additional part of their lives, they consider it an integral part of their lives! As a consequence, how they learn is based on what their reality is, and that reality is technology based.

    Critical Challenge: Digital media literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession.

    While technology used to be its own entity, separate from all other disciplines, that is no longer the case. Technology is applicable and viable in all disciplines. Developing teacher comfort with these changes is a challenge. Sometimes we get so set in our ways, that we are not open to change. Still, this must be addressed as the problem is not going away.

    Technology to watch: Collaborative environments

    Mathematics is a collaborative subject in many ways. Students often learn best when talking about math with each other. Facilitating the collaborative environment would greatly enhance my own classroom goals and expectations. Projects and application based problems could now be easier to implement throughout the curriculum.

  12. Key Trends
    #2 “Technology continues to profoundly affect the way we work, collaborate, communicate, and succeed. Information technologies impact how people work, play, learn, socialize, and collaborate.”
    I believe this trend is highly important because it shows the impact using technology in the classroom has on students in the long run. It is my belief that as teachers we should work towards helping students succeed beyond their education. I don’t want my students to just pass my class, I want to teach them the skills they need to succeed in life. In this day and age if technology is not utilized and taught in schools students are not going to have as great of a chance at success as their counterparts that have the skills in technology.

    Critical Challenges
    #3 “Many policy makers and educators believe that deep reform is needed, but at the same time, there is little agreement as to what a new model of education might look like.”
    This challenge is the most difficult to address because not everyone is going to agree on what type of reform needs to be put in place. It is unrealistic to think that we will be able to please everyone when reforming schools. I feel that at this point people are not as willing to compromise and compromise is what needs to be done so that we may reform the schools to better serve students.

    Technologies to Watch
    Game-based Learning is one that I feel is and will have a great impact on the education of students. Students learn better when they enjoy what they are doing and almost always students enjoy playing games. I feel that I would have no problem implementing game-based learning in all areas that I teach. This technique can be used in a variety of ways. At the beginning of a unit as an anticipatory set, in the middle as a practice, or at the end for a review. I look forward to the growth of the technology.

  13. Key Trends - #1. Every where we turn these days, there is some form of high tech gadgetry staring us in the face. I do not think this is a bad thing at all, I am very excited for what the future holds for us, but we have to face the fact that technology is everywhere. Students are now digital natives and don't know a life without a cell phone, Google, the internet, etc. This is their life. We need to adapt our teaching to work for them and how they live. The students need to be interacting with technology and exploring as much technology as possible in order to prepare them for the future.

    Critical Challenges - #3 - Most everyone does agree that the education system needs to change, but without a clear and agreed upon vision, we cannot get to where we want to go. Everyone has their own ideas and how to get there. If we all go our own separate ways, the system will never improve. We need to collaborate with as many teachers, principals, and administrators to come to a common vision. Only then can we re-do the education system in a way that will truly be best for our students.

    Technologies to Watch - Game-based Learning - I think that this technology would be fairly simple to use in a beginning instrumental program. There are several games we can use to help students read music, learn fingerings, and maybe even to understand some techniques. This would help the students want to practice and learn because it will be a game, so it won't seem like work.

  14. This was a very interesting and informative publication to view.

    The key trend that I found to be the most important was "The Way We Think of Learning Environments is Changing". Upon entering the field of education 2 years ago, I found that teachers continue to teach the way they did when I was in high school/middle school. Teaching is extremely traditional, and has changed very little. However, with more and more technological advancement entering the world of education, it seems essential for us to change how we think of a traditional learning environment.

    The challenge that will be most difficult to address is "Students are different, but educational practice and the materials that support it are changing only slowly". It has always been a challenge in education to teach each student to their own ability level, but now that students are technologically very different, it is becoming even more difficult to teach to the variety of learning styles in the classroom. Because technology changes every day, keeping up with this daily change in the classroom proves to be extremely difficult.

    I use game-based learning in my classroom. Specifically, I like to play games to review. I usually play some sort of game to review for a test or a quiz. This method has proven to be very successful thus far.

  15. Key Trends: Technology is the way we are empowering our kids into the future. It is becoming an increasing way students are learning, socializing and collaborating. The biggest thing is that students are not new to technology and the many things it can do like so many of the teachers. Often times I see students assisting teachers within the classroom, because the students are more technological then the teachers.

    Critical Challenges:I think the hardest part is that the students and technology are changing at a high rate of speed, but the resources, and curriculum we are using is from the stone age and is changing very very slowly.

    Technologies to Watch: Like everyone else I think that game based learning is the thing to watch. It's amazing how much students learn from the different types of games. I use them mainly as a way to review for at test. So far it has been very successful for my students.

  16. Key Trends: Technology continues to profoundly affect the way we work, collaborate, communicate, and succeed. Information technologies impact how people work, play, learn, socialize, and collaborate.

    The impact of social networking is huge and continues to grow geometrically. Similar communication activities are quite common in the work environment. Collaboration, research & solution gathering can all be done very rapidly via work groups, chat sites etc. When I can’t find the answer to a problem with video editing software I go to on line chat sites pertaining to that software and solicit answers. Usually within minutes I find responses, frequently multiple ones.

    Critical Challenges: Digital media literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession.

    The “tools vs skills” controversy is one that I have a growing interest in, especially in the digital media realm. My background and what I teach revolves around competent story telling. While critical thinking is very important, the proper use of media production tools has an enormous impact on how well the messages being sent are received. In the print world why don

    Technologies to Watch:
    Cloud computing
    Working with digital media for production commonly requires very fast processing and large amounts of storage capacity since the media needs to be kept near the editing/production location. Multiple terabytes (1,000 GB = 1 TB) is not at all unusual. Being able to access media and using the processing power of computers from distant locations via the Internet would greatly enhance media output.

  17. The key trend that seems most important to me is: Technology continues to profoundly affect the way we work, collaborate, communicate, and succeed. Information technologies impact how people work, play, learn, socialize, and collaborate. The increasing use of technology is going to become a part of everyone’s daily life; however, whether or not our students know how to effectively and ethically use it is still in the balance. It is necessary that we not only integrate technology into our daily classroom routines and lessons but that we also model appropriate and successful technology knowledge/skills for our students to observe. Students need to understand the important use of technology.

    I believe the following challenge will be the most difficult to address: Many policy makers and educators believe that deep reform is needed, but at the same time, there is little agreement as to what a new model of education might look like. Teachers and administrators have different personalities and beliefs. Without a majority on board to change the way we teach and use technology in school success will not be consistent. We also need to consider the beliefs and support of the parents/guardians and their approval to use technology more not only at school but also at home.

    Game-based learning is a technology that I have started to and will continue to use in my teaching. Kids show more motivation to study when they see homework and lessons as games instead of as assignments, busy work or just plain old practice. With programs such as Quia I can design games for Spanish class and also monitor students’ participation and success.

  18. Key trends: “Technology is increasingly a means for empowering students, a method for communication and socializing, and a ubiquitous, transparent part of their lives.”

    I feel that this is the most important trend. Take a look at the cell phone for example. Nearly everybody has one, and it has enabled each student to become a mini-communications company. There are many students who are texting throughout the day and these kids are constantly communicating with other students. Cell phones in the classroom are something that we all may have to get used to. Whether it’s listening to a podcast from a missed lesson or using your device to access the internet, I think we need to prepare for cell phones in class.

    Critical challenges: “Students are different, but educational practice and the materials that support it are changing only slowly.”

    I believe this is the most difficult issue to address simply because technology usually means spending money and there never seems to be enough of it when it comes to education. The bulk of my teaching experience consists of practicums and student teaching. I think the schools do the best they can with what they have, but based on what I have seen there doesn’t seem to be much. When it comes to technology in the classroom Smart Boards seem to be the one thing that most teachers would like. Realistically, how many districts can afford to put a Smart Board in every classroom? If you don’t have money, how can you stay current with technology?

    Game based learning is something I would like to try more of. I currently play internet math games with my students and they love it. The down side of it all is I only have one computer in the classroom. It would be better with at least three more because the kids could play in small groups. I wish we could play more, but time only allows for about one session per week. I gave my students a list of the website so they can play at home.

  19. I feel that this report really echoes the conversations educators are currently having regarding the increased presence of technology in schools. The key trends, especially the student empowerment and motivation, seem to be the driving force behind discussions regarding educational reform. Furthermore, the critical challenges identified in the report were accurate in painting the struggle between our knowledge of the “real world” our students will be expected to work in and our societies’ reluctance to drastically change how we educate our students. Our business leaders and community members recognize the need for innovative, creative problem solvers in the workplace but fail to recognize how our current forms of assessment are stifling the development of this in schools.

  20. I believe we are entering a period where “How we educate” will be greatly impacted by technology.
    “Empowering students” is perhaps the most important “key trend” I see. When students can direct their own learning, in ways that are important to them, it gains relevancy and inspires them to continue to learn.

    Students are different, but educational practice and the materials that support it are changing only slowly. Schools are still using materials developed to teach the students of decades ago,
    I completely agree with this statement – school systems do not move that quickly, getting approval from the many levels of bureaucracy can take months or years. That makes the implementation of new technologies in schools becomes virtually impossible. Technology moves at an exponential rate while school systems move more like the turtle than the hare.

    Technologies to Watch…
    Augmented Reality: I think this is the most exciting “new technology” to come along in quite awhile.
    It promises to change “how we educate, “and “how children learn.” It engages the “visual learners” as well as the “textual learners.” It will definitely be a part of my curriculum. As an experiment, I introduced my students to it, they were extremely engaged. One student actually went home and downloaded the programs to “build” a three-dimensional image using Sketch-up and created a “marker” using Flair-kit. She then shared what she learned (outside of the classroom) with the rest of our class. This reinforces our classroom instruction about - how “digital natives” are comfortable with new technologies and with little reinforcement, are quickly able to push it to its limits.


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